Take Action!

Organizations I LOVE and support:
  • WWF - World Wildlife Fund is one of my favs and has been at the forefront for wildlife conservation since 1961. Click here to to find out how you can help them save animals.
  • PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, established by Ingrid E. Newkirk, is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Click here to take part in their action center to help animals. 
  • WildAid - Wild Aid fights to end the illegal wildlife trade through some pretty awesome public awareness campaigns. Click here to check them out and learn how you can get involved.
  • IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare saves individual animals, animal populations and habitats all over the world. Click here to learn more about them and get involved.  
  • Mercy for Animals - An amazing organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies. Click here to check out their great campaigns and take action to help animals. 
  • Compassion Over Killing - Another great animal advocacy organization focusing on fighting cruelty to animals in agriculture. Click here on ways you can lend a helping hand. 
  • Wildlife Conservation Society - Based out of my local Bronx Zoo in New York, the WCS is at the forefront of saving wildlife and wild places. Click here for more info and how you can take action and support their wildlife conservation efforts. 

  • Dr. Jane Goodall - Renowned primatologist Jane Goodall is a shining example of love for animals and passion for wildlife conservation. Click here to read about her life's work in studying and protecting primates and learn how you can help her too.
  • Dr. Birute Galdikas - The Mother Teresa for orangutans, Dr. Galidaks has dedicated her life to championing orangutans in the tropical rain forest of Indonesia. Click here to find out how you can help her and foster your own orangutan. 
  • Steve Irwin - Not only did the crocodile hunter wrestle and save giant crocs, he loved and advocated for all animals in the wild. Click here to read more about him and how you can become a wildlife warrior yourself.  
  • Jeff Corwin - Animal and nature conservationist, Jeff Corwin's television shows bring us face to face with some of the most fascinating animals in the wild. Click here to read about his involvement in environmental causes and wildlife rescue. 
  • Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton - This guy is THE super hero of super heroes for elephants. I'm sure baby elephants in Africa are told bed time stories about Dr. Douglas-Hamilton. I was lucky enough to hear him speak in San Francisco last year and admire him tremendously for championing one of the animals I love the most. Click here to read more about his elephant superhero-ness and how you can help him help elephants. 
  • Jack Hanna - I've admired Jungle Jack Hanna for years, and even got a chance to meet him after attending one of his shows! Click here to check out his shows and where you can see him next!

My favorite superstar ANIMAL ADVOCATES:
  • Alicia Silverstone - The person I strive to be like in every way! She's an amazing actress, animal rights activist and vegan. Her book and blog; The Kind Diet & The Kind Life, are single-handedly responsible for my vegan lifestyle change and I can't thank her enough for sharing her love and passion for the well-being of all animals, the planet and ourselves! She leads by example through being kind to everyone and everything in life. Love, love, love her!!
  • Paul McCartney - I have loved and admired Sir Paul for as long as can I remember. When I found out he was a vegetarian and an avid animal rights activist, it gave him a much bigger and even more special place in my heart! Watch his new PETA ad about the horrors of the meat industry and take the 30 day vegetarian challenge!
  • Brigitte Bardot - The beautiful and original femme fatale and vegetarian, Brigitte Bardot is even more beautiful for dedicating her life to advocating animal rights. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation for the Welfare and Protection of Animals is the leading non-government organization in France. The French beauty even has a Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel named after her in appreciation of her support in the fight against seal clubbing in Canada. 
  • Pamela Anderson - The vegan Baywatch star is loved and highly appreciated in the animal rights community. I heard Ingrid E. Newkirk say how much she loved Pamela because she always calls PETA before she travels abroad to ask how she can be most useful to animal rights causes in the country she is going to. Watch this video where Paul McCartney honors Pamela with the PETA Linda McCartney Memorial Award for her work for animal rights. 
  • Bob Barker - The greatest game show host and vegetarian, is also an avid animal rights activist who also has a Sea Shepherd Conservation Society vessel named after him in appreciation of his tireless advocacy for animal rights. He also funded PETA's Los Angeles offices and does many wonderful public awareness videos for them.  Click here to watch his latest video against Sea World. 
  • Jaoquin Phoenix - Not only do I admire him for being a phenomenal actor and vegan, Jaoquin is also an amazing animal rights activist. He narrated the documentary Earthlings which exposes the horrors and animal abuse that is rampant on factory farms and pet mills and has done some great PETA ads as well. Click here to watch his video against the exotic skins industry. Click here to watch his video against the fishing industry. 

Food for thought. Animals are friends, not food!
  • Skinny Bitch - I absolutely love these girls!! Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin are two sassy, no nonsense chicks that give it to you straight. It was definitely an eye opener and really makes you feel accountable for the repercussions of what you choose to eat. Stop being an ignorant bitch and become a skinny bitch. Go read this book!
  • Beg: A Radical New Way of Regarding Animals - From the skinny bitch herself, Rory Freedman. This book is an absolute must read for animal lovers who want to act on their love and do more to help animals all over the world. Rory writes in such a way that tugs at your heart strings while making you want to buck up and go to battle for animals both wild and domestic. I read this book in one sitting it was that good! 
  • Vegucated - This film was a game changer for me, I didn't need anymore convincing. I went cold turkey vegan after watching this film. I highly recommend it to anyone who believes in the myths of happy farm animals and that meat and dairy do your body good! All lies! Watch this film and see for yourself. 

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