Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day for Animals

It's that time of year again. Earth Day is here! While I try to do my best to be kind to our planet everyday (as I'm sure you all do), I'm dedicating this entry to my favorite planet Earth inhabitants - ANIMALS! Hopefully, after reading this you will be more inclined to take care of this planet we share with over 8 billion different species of animals. And more importantly, to be kind to animals.

The animal that continues to be the most near and dear to my heart is of coarse the elephant. They are probably the most compassionate, emotionally and socially intelligent animals, who studies have shown, are self aware. They mourn the loss of loved ones, they have complex social relationships and are probably the most beautiful and tender animal I've been lucky enough to encounter. 

The African elephant continues to suffer catastrophic declines in numbers due to poaching for the high price of ivory on the black market and the high demand for ivory from Asia. An elephant is killed every 15 minutes for it's ivory in Africa. That's 96 elephants a day that are violently murdered. Last year alone, 36,000 elephants were killed for their ivory. At this rate there will be no elephants roaming the wild in 2025. Not cool. I can't even imagine what a world without elephants looks like. 

There are however, many worldwide efforts trying to ensure that a world without wild elephants does not become our reality. On October 4th, the first International March for Elephants in support of the The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust took place in over 42 cities across the world. In NYC, we marched across all of Manhattan to the door of the United Nations. We had some fantastic speakers come all the way from the front lines of Africa like Sir. Iain Douglas-Hamilton of Save the Elephants in Kenya, and my favorite Sex and the City girl, Kristin Davis who is a huge supporter of Daphne Sheldrick's elephant orphan nursery in Kenya.

This weekend is also dedicated to elephants at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Run for the Wild at the Bronx Zoo. This year's race, like last year's, is dedicated to elephant conservation. I'm happy to report that this is my 5th year running this 5k race. I could use all the support in my fundraising efforts for our elephant friends that I can get. If you're unable to support financially, please show your solidarity by signing this petition to law makers demanding that they make ivory sales illegal in NY. I bet you didn't know that you can LEGALLY buy ivory in NY, did you? Crazy, I know. Let's put an end to it. 

I couldn't possibly write about elephants without mentioning a very special place in Thailand that rescues and rehabilitates Asian elephants from the abusive life of the tourist trade and logging industry. Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary is the home of about 11 happy and very loved elephants who were rescued by elephant superhero, Katherine Connor. It is an animal lovers dream to see these beautiful beings roaming and swimming and playing so happily and freely. I wish every animal in the world could have the good fortune of living as the animals of BLES do. 

It is however, very costly to run a non-profit sanctuary and care for eleven 5 ton animals. That's a lot of bananas!! And since the majority of the elephants at BLES were rescued from abusive conditions, they all have various medical ailments that require lots of time and money to care for. Please help Katherine and all the beautiful animals at BLES by donating what you can or better yet, adopt your own elephant

In other recent NYC animal news, I was happy to join PETA and NYCLASS this weekend to peacefully protest in front of Liam Neeson's Upper West Side residence for publicly criticizing Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to do away with horse drawn carriages in NYC. As an actor who has admired Neeson for years, in particular his role as the compassionate Oscar Schindler, I don't understand why he is using his star power to advocate such antiquated cruelty and abuse to such a graceful and soulful animal. I know you guys don't though, which is why you're going to show your solidarity to horses and sign this petition to ban horse carriages in NYC.

Another animal very close to my heart is the majestic and regal lion. (I'm a Leo and The Lion King is my favorite movie.) On March 15th, I was happy to join 70,000 people in over 62 cities worldwide at the Global March for Lions to raise awareness about the industry of "canned hunting." 

What is "canned hunting"? Canned hunting is big business. Captive breed lions are taken from their mothers at birth and hand raised by humans. They are put into petting zoos and earn money being petted by tourists, ignorant of their circumstances. Once they are too big to be pet, they await their fate - to be sold to trophy hunters. They are sold as guaranteed kills in enclosed areas with no chance of escape. Because they are "trophies" they are not shot quickly in the head but die a long and slow painful death shot up in their bodies. Their heads are sent back to the USA or Europe as trophies and their bones are often sold to Asia for bogus potions. I'm sad to say that the USA is responsible for 55% of these jackass "hunters" and it's completely legal to bring lion heads & parts back into this country. I can't think of a more unattractive thing a man can do than be a hunter. 


Please sign this petition urging the US Fish & Wildlife Service to protect lions under the Endangered Species act, thus making it illegal to import lion parts into the U.S. Let's put a stop to this barbaric and cowardly "sport" once and for all. 

And of coarse I can't write about animals on Earth Day without talking about NOT EATING THEM! Not eating animals or anything that comes out of an animal is the single best thing you can do to help the environment. 

It's hard to argue with these reasons, huh? The only regret I have is not going vegan sooner. I did it because I could no longer call myself an animal lover while I continued to support the cruel slaughter of  animals that are probably smarter than my dog (sorry Rocky.) I've never felt better, my hair is shinier, my skin is clearer, and I'm just happier all around. It makes sense now that I think about it. Animals on factory farms live lives full of fear, anxiety, sadness and depression. How can we think that eating them day in and day out won't have an effect on our well being? Think about it. 

So my friends, that's all she wrote. Have a happy, healthy and more importantly, compassionate Earth Day. Be kind to yourself, the planet, and to all sentient being on this planet. 

Much Love,